Webster County Health Department
(304) 847-5483 office
(304) 847-7692 fax
112 Bell Street
Suite C
Webster Springs, WV 26288    


Now that you’ve pledged to walk 30 minutes/day, 5 days/week, it can be really annoying when the weather gets in the way and prevents you from walking.

But there are some ways you can get your steps in while indoors – you don’t always have to do your walking outside. Here’s how:

If you have equipment, use it. A treadmill is an excellent machine to use if you have one – it’s an easy way to get your daily number of steps. Most treadmills also come with the option to add an incline into your walk, which is a great way to improve the intensity of the exercise.  If you don’t have a treadmill, visit your local Fitness Center. 
If you don’t have any equipment, consider buying a stepper. You can pick them up for about $25-45 and they are lightweight and easy to pack away under your bed once you’re done with your exercise. Steppers are also great for exercise as they are so small, you can use them anywhere in the house. If you can, use the resistance bands often that come with the stepper to add intensity to the exercise and work your arms in the process. If you don’t have a stepper then use the bottom of a set of steps.
Run up and down the stairs. It might be boring, but running up and down the stairs is a really easy way to add more steps into your routine.
Pace around your house. Your house might be a lot smaller than the great outdoors, but there is still floor space – so use that floor space and pace around the house when you’re on the phone, walk around your living room or jog on the spot while watching television and do laps of the house when your baby goes down for a nap.
Boogie with your baby. Put your baby into a sling and have a gentle boogie to some music with them. You’ll burn off calories, step your way towards your daily total and also bond with your baby.
Do a step aerobics DVD or video. There are many home workout DVDs available, and to get your steps in, opt for a step aerobics DVD – this way, the instructor will guide you through a step aerobics routine that will help you to increase your step count whilst in the comfort of your living room.
Practice inefficiency. This one might sound strange, but instead of taking one trip to do something, take four – for example, get up and change the television manually instead of using your remote or walk around the supermarket numerous times to get your shopping instead of getting everything in one circuit. You will  really increase your daily step count.

The best way to increase your daily step count is simply to use your imagination – think to yourself, how could I use this space to move? Then get moving!


Family Fitness:

 It’s that time of year – lots and lots of rain and unpredictable weather! Here are some great rainy day activities over for you to try out with your children.

Here are a few rainy day activities for your children to do when it’s rainy outside:
Hide favorite items around the house and make a map for an indoor treasure hunt
Play the classic lava game and pretend the floor is on fire!
Stuff your shirt with a pillow for a fun game of sumo wrestling.



Recipe of the Week:  Chocolate dipped banana bites


2 tablespoons semisweet chocolate chips
1 small banana, peeled and cut into 12-inch pieces


1.    Place chocolate chips in a heavy-duty zip-top plastic bag or small microwave safe bowl. Microwave at high 1 minute or until chocolate melts. Dip banana pieces in chocolate.